Robert's Homepage



Alleman, Iowa

Weather for for ERR
Temperature: ERR°- Feels: ERR°
Wind: MPH
Data from weather.gov
School ends in Aug 16
Have an amazing idea but don't know how to do it? Let Robert make something for you! If you request something to Robert's email, he might look over it and decide to do it or not.
RobertTBS.tk will be moving to RBRT.US in approxamately 2 weeks

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Quick Links

RobertCO Wholesale

Basketball Scoreboard Beta

Class Ending Notifier 3

Robert's Games

Robert Runner

One Line Tic Tac Toe

� Where R U 🗺


All other public pages

Internal JS Runner (ALPHA)

Basic Calculator

Infinite Opener

Class ending notifyer 2 [DISCONTINUED]

Old pages

RBRT.US on Archive.org

RobertTBS Discord

RBRT.US Source Code



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Iowa GIS map locator